
How to upgrade the servers emule server met by the url.

How to upgrade the servers emule server met by the url.

Upgrade the servers of emule.
update list of servers to download server emule. update met by the url. How to update the list of servers of eMule, update server met by the url. ? Where to obtain the list of servers? http://ed2k.has.it/ Choose the option Add to eMule. (= add to emule) Or http://corpo.free.fr/ In its emule go to: servers copy and paste a link servers to update the server.met url and press update.
Updating the list of servers.
In eMule, eDonkey2000 servers are used to give an entry point for this network. A connection to a server is required to access the network and resources to make known its customer network. a server provides only an index to the files, and sharing of connected users. Search for downloads or by sources of a download is done through the servers.
An update of the list of servers on eMule is only necessary in the first contact with the network. When the eMule is connected to a server it offers resources and exchange of intelligent Source of Customer to Customer to find sources or updates on servers.
Go on: Preferences / Connections Auto-update the list of servers to start. In the place where you installed eMule, you find the file adresses.dat. Open it with a notebook and enter a URL valid for a server.met. Only a URL is supported.
Marking this option, the eMule update its list of servers through the URL provided in adresses.dat to start. How to Update the list of servers when connecting to a server. The eDonkey servers are known by a certain extent. With these options, eMule recover the list of servers known in which the server is connected.

How to Update the list of servers when connecting to a client.
This feature works on the connection of another customer of eMule to your client. customers compare their servers that are working and update their lists.
The list of servers will be updated continuously. Update the list of servers all the time is not necessary. Tip: Without the appropriate setting, you will have a low ID when using a router.
A router works as a shield for the network behind him, masking the IP address of computers on the LAN. When another customer trying to establish a connection with your eMule he only sees the router's IP but not the real IP of the computer where the eMule is running.
To prevent that all doors in the list that is the direction of entry - port 4662, 4711 TCP and UDP port 4672 - must be transferred.
See the manual of your router. Keywords are to begin transmitting door, DMZ-Zone Desmilitarizada, filters and rules. Most routers also have firewalls built to make sure the doors to allocate appropriate.

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