My new theory of the universe's expansion.
the atom that started it all is not expanded or exploded, was actually the space around it has expanded.
was the dark matter that expanded taking with him the common matter
think of a ball inside that ball has mass and dark matter in the center is common, when the dark matter began to expand throughout the common matter has also been dragged into the dark matter, and took the matter before bringing it into the universe's expansion.
the beginning was the universso super compact, with ordinary matter in the center and dark matter around ordinary matter and anti matter in the final layer.
the dark matter is responsible for the gravity of it all.
and the distortion of space is not gravity.
think of a pool inside her and you felt the pressure of water on his body.
this space when dark energy is the same pressure on the body, the higher the pressure the larger body
entire universe is filled with dark matter.
some areas are without dark matter because the universe is collapsing and falling apart because of dark energy.
the continued expansion of universso, makes more space comes the matter common decreases the pressure of dark matter.
this will lessen the gravity even more.
the dark matter is responsible for the seriousness and unity of the universe, the less dark matter means less gravity.
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